Turn the right wrist slightly so that the palm becomes in line with the forearm, as the LH pushes out to the L under the sword, step into gong bu, RH raises on CL above the forehead. Tip of the sword at the L wrist.

Drag the back of the sword along the L arm around the shoulder and to the middle of the back then arc the sword behind and to the R. Arm and sword making a straight line approx. 45° to vertical pointing down and SW.

Sword sweeps up in front of body, edge up approx. 45° to vertical pointing up and NE. Step forward with LL into gong bu.
Bend right elbow and bring sword in towards body on LHS turning waist to L sword horizontal edge up.

Turn the R elbow anti clockwise turn waist R bring sword up on RHS edge up approx. 45° to vertical pointing up and SE

In first gong bu turn waist slightly to right, make body centre and right hand over front knee. Look at back of left hand.
Also in 1st gong bu, flex left wrist more so that fingers are up, more of a palm strike.