2. beginning taiji

tài jí qǐ shì 起势 tai chi beginning form

二 太極出手

依前方向,(以下各圖同)yī qián fāng xiàng  (yǐ xià gè tú tong) Incline forward (as in the photo below),

兩臂向前提起,liǎng bèi xiàng qián tí qǐ   your arms going forward and lifting.

至胸前則左臂變為半環形,zhì xiōng qián zé zuǒ bèi biàn wéi bàn huán xíng

Once at chest level, your left arm becomes a semicircle,

掌與面對。(此為陰掌參看陰掌圖)zhǎng yǔ miàn duì   (cǐ wéi yīn zhǎng cān kàn yīn zhǎng tú)

palm toward your face (i.e. a passive palm, as explained above),{see Yin palm photo}

右手前臂略攏向左方,yòu shǒu qián bèi luè lǒng xiàng zuǒ fang

while your right hand and forearm slightly gather inward to the left,

掌心向外,(此為陽掌參看陽掌圖)zhǎng xīn xiàng wài   (cǐ wéi yáng zhǎng cān kàn yáng zhǎng tú)

while your right hand and forearm slightly gather inward to the left, palm outward (i.e. an active palm, as explained above), {consult the Yang palm photo}

指尖與左臂之彎處相平,zhǐ jiān yǔ zuǒ bèi zhī wān chǔ xiāng píng fingertips level with and

距離約三四寸。jù lí yuē sān sì cùn about three or four inches from your left elbow.

左脚同時向前伸出,zuǒ jiǎo tóng shí xiàng qián shēn chū

Your left foot at the same time extends forward,

脚跟着地,jiǎo gēn zhe dì heel touching down,

脚尖翹起略向上成直綫,jiǎo jiān qiào qǐ luè xiàng shàng chéng zhí xiàn

toes lifted to almost make a straight line upward.

是為虚步。(參看虚步圖)shì wéi xū bù   (cān kàn xū bù tú)

This is an empty stance (as explained above), {refer to empty stance photo}

右腿彎曲以蹲低為妙。yòu tuǐ wān qū yǐ dūn dī wéi miào全身坐於右腿。quán shēn zuò yú yòu tu

meaning that your right knee is bent and you are squatting down with all the weight on it.

眼看左手心。yǎn kàn zuǒ shǒu xīn Your eyes are looking toward your left hand.

如圖二正面側面兩圖。rú tú èr zhèng miàn cè miàn liǎng tú

See photo 2, both forward and side views:

Wu Jianquan: Beginning taiji
Ma Yueliang: Beginning taiji

One Reply to “2. beginning taiji”

  1. When “folding” and “unfolding” your arms keep the inner (R) hand close to the inner surface of the L arm. The path is more circular. Manipulating the other person’s hand / arm.

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