Jian 1. preparation form

1。预备式                yù bèi shì                   preparation form

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, parallel, toes pointing straight ahead, legs straight but not locked at the knees.     The body should be relaxed, the crown of the head should feel like it is being suspended by a thread from the sky.

Your arms should be hanging by the side of your body, your right hand in ‘sword fingers’ palm towards the side of your thigh.     The sword is in your left hand, handle pointing downward, your index and middle fingers pointing down the handle, the blade of the sword resting against the back of your arm so that the point of the sword is pointing upward behind your shoulder.     The left hand and arm should be turned out slightly (clockwise) so that the blade does not cut into your back.
Raise your right hand and arm out in front of your body to shoulder height keeping your arm straight (but not locked at the elbow), your fingers pointing forward, turning your hand and arm so that your palm is facing downward by the time it has reached shoulder level.

Sink your R elbow towards your body, your R fingers staying at shoulder height and therefore nearing your R shoulder.

Straighten your arm downwards, so that your arm is hanging by your side but flex your wrist to that your sword fingers point forward and your palm faces the ground.

Movement 1
Preparation form

One Reply to “Jian 1. preparation form”

  1. 身體直立,面向前方。Shēntǐ zhílì, miànxiàng qiánfāng
    目平視。Mù píng shì.
    Your body stands straight, facing forward, and your gaze is level.

    頭正,頸直,涵胸,拔背,裹襠,護臀。Tóu zhèng, jǐng zhí, hán xiōng, bá bèi, guǒ dāng, hù tún.
    Your head is upright, neck straight. Contain your chest and pluck up your back. Wrap your crotch and protect your belly.

    兩臂從容下垂。Liǎng bì cóngróng xiàchuí.
    Your arms hang down leisurely.

    左手持劍,反背臂後。Zuǒshǒu chí jiàn, fǎn bèi bì hòu.
    劍柄置左胯旁。Jiàn bǐng zhì zuǒ kuà páng.
    劍鋒向上,劍脊務與左臂貼緊。Jiàn fēng xiàngshàng, jiàn jí wù yǔ zuǒ bì tiē jǐn.
    Your left hand carries the sword behind your arm, the handle placed beside your left hip, the tip pointing upward, the spine of the sword staying close to your left arm.

    右手二指中指伸直,大指小指無名指均屈,掐成劍訣,置右胯旁。Yòushǒu èr zhǐ zhōngzhǐ shēn zhí, dà zhǐ xiǎozhǐ wúmíngzhǐ jūn qū, qiā chéng jiàn jué, zhì yòu kuà páng.
    Your right hand’s forefinger and middle finger are extended straight, while your thumb, little finger, and ring finger are all bent in, pinched to make a “swordsman’s hex”, placed beside your right hip.

    兩足平行分開,其距離以肩為度。Liǎng zú píng háng fēnkāi, qí jùlí yǐ jiān wèi dù.
    Your feet are parallel at shoulder-width apart.

    全體重心,在兩足間之中點。Quántǐ zhòngxīn, zài liǎng zú jiān zhī zhōng diǎn.
    The weight is between your feet.


    miànxiàng qiánfāng. Mù píng shì. Tóu zhèng, jǐng zhí, hán xiōng, bá bèi, guǒ dāng, hù tún. Liǎng bì cóngróng xiàchuí. Zuǒshǒu chí jiàn, fǎn bèi bì hòu. Jiàn bǐng zhì zuǒ kuà páng. Jiàn fēng xiàngshàng, jiàn jí wù yǔ zuǒ bì tiē jǐn. Yòushǒu èr zhǐ zhōngzhǐ shēn zhí, dà zhǐ xiǎozhǐ wúmíngzhǐ jūn qū, qiā chéng jiàn jué, zhì yòu kuà páng. Liǎng zú píng háng fēnkāi, qí jùlí yǐ jiān wèi dù. Quántǐ zhòngxīn, zài liǎng zú jiān zhī zhōng diǎn.

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