吴式太极二剑 (七星剑)
1.太极剑起势 tài jí jiàn qǐ shì Taiji sword beginning form
2. 揽雀尾 lǎn què wěi Grasping bird’s tail
3. 楼膝拗步 lóu xī ǎo bù Brush knee, twist step
4. 分剑七星 fēn jiàn qī xīng sword divides the seven stars
5.犀牛望月 xī niú wàng yuè Rhinoceros gazes at moon
6.大蟒翻身 dà mǎng fān shēn Big python turns its body
7. 盘根指雁 pán gēn zhǐ yàn twisted root, point to the wild goose
8. 当门剑 dāng mén jiàn sword at the front door
9, 彩凤舒 羽 cǎi fèng shū yǔ colourful phoenix displays feathers
10. 魁星提斗 kuí xīng tí dòu Kuí Xīng raises his ladle
11。翻身栽剑 fān shēn zāi jiàn turn body plant sword
12. 当门剑 dāng mén jiàn sword at the front door
13. 魁星提斗 kuí xīng tí dòu Kuí Xīng raises his ladle
14. 藏剑式 cáng jiàn shì hidden sword movement
15. 一指朝阳 yī zhǐ zhāo yáng point at the rising sun
16. 金鸡点头 jīn jī diǎn tóu Golden cockerel nods its head
17. 探海式 tàn hǎi shì scout the sea movement
18. 指档剑 zhǐ dǎng jiàn sword points at crotch
19. 沛公斩蛇 pèi gōng zhǎn shé Pei Gong chops snake
20. 开步截拦 kāi bù jié lán open step and block
21. 盘根指雁 pán gēn zhǐ yàn twisted root, point to the wild goose
22. 转身摇旗 zhuǎn shēn yáo qí Turn around wave banner
23. 灵猫扑鼠 líng māo pū shǔ Clever cat catches a mouse
24. 乌龙摆尾 wū lóng bǎi wěi Black dragon sways its tail
25. 仙人指路 xiān rén zhǐ lù Immortal points the way
26. 捧剑式 pěng jiàn shì Clasp sword movement
27. 回马鞭 huí mǎ biān turn and whip horse
28. 天女散花 tiān nǚ sǎn huā Heavenly girl scatters flowers
29. 金龙摆尾 jīn lóng bǎi wěi Golden Dragon sways its tail
30.大鹏展翅 dà péng zhǎn chì Big bird spreads wings
31. 夜叉探海 yè chā tàn hǎi Ye cha explores sea (Ye cha is a transliteration of the sanskrit Yaksa: a nasty ghost, or a Budhist guard)
32. 抱剑式 bào jiàn shì embrace sword movement
33. 玉女送书 yù nǚ sòng shū fair lady presents book
34. 凤凰旋涡 fèng huáng xuàn wō phoenix whirlpool
35. 翻身劈剑 fān shēn pī jiàn turn body chop sword
36. 上步崩剑 shàng bù bēng jiàn step up energise sword
37. 回身点剑 huí shēn diǎn jiàn turn body point sword
38. 李广射石 lǐ guǎng shè shí lǐ guǎng shoots a stone (shoots an arrow through a stone)
39. 白猿献果 bái yuán xiàn guǒ white ape offers fruit
40. 金龙搅尾 jīn lóng jiǎo wěi golden dragon stirs tail
41. 回身点剑 huí shēn diǎn jiàn turn body point sword
42. 李广射石 lǐ guǎng shè shí lǐ guǎng shoots a stone
43. 金龙探爪 jīn lóng tàn zhuǎ golden dragon stretches its claws
44. 拨云见日 bō yún jiàn rì dispel clouds see the sun (restore justice)
45. 落花无情 luò huā wú qíng shedding petals unrelentingly
46. 落花待扫 luò huā dài sǎo sweep the fallen blossoms
47. 王祥卧鱼 wáng xiáng wò yú Wáng Xiáng crouches to fish
48. 天王托塔 tiān wáng tuō tǎ Tiān Wáng holds pagoda
49 盘根指雁 pán gēn zhǐ yàn twisted root, point to the wild goose.
50. 云摩三舞剑 yún mó sān wǔ jiàn sword dances and rubs clouds
51. 连环劈剑 lián huán pī jiàn linked sword chops
52.金鸡独立 jīn jī dú lì golden cock stands on one leg
53. 云照巫山 yún zhào wū shān mount Wu covered in cloud
54. 钩挂连环 gōu guà lián huán hook and hang chain of rings
55. 收势 shōu shì closing form