Fast form 3. Grasping the bird’s tail, 揽雀尾, lǎn què wěi

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Using Fa jin, push out the L Hand quickly while bringing the R hand in slightly and curving the arm around in front of the body. The hands clap palms together on the body CL. R foot moves in closer to body toes to ground heel up.





Push out with both arms R palm up L palm down, L fingers ending at R pulse. Step out with R foot -gong bu.





Rotate waist clockwise to NW hands separate slightly, then weight back onto L – xu bu, hands continuing clockwise to N.





R Elbow drops, R palm vertical, LH stays where it is  palm down. Push R hand across body to L palm constantly pointing in direction of movement. L hand follow R pulse (without touching it) while turning palm up.  R foot rotates L 90°, body follows movement which ends facing SW.




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