Heaven and Earth

Jian (the double edged sword)


 “Heaven and Earth”

The names of the moves of the Wu style taijiquan tiān kūn jiàn    (天坤剑):

1。预备式                yù bèi shì                   preparation form

2. 起势                      qǐ shì                          beginning form

3. 揽雀尾                  lǎn què wěi               Grasping bird’s tail

4. 楼膝拗步            lóu xī ǎo bù               Brush knee, twist step

5. 卧虎当门             wò hǔ dāng mén      Tiger crouches at the front door

6. 楼膝拗步            lóu xī ǎo bù               Brush knee, twist step

7. 分剑七星             fēn jiàn qī xīng          sword divides the seven stars

8. 卧虎当门             wò hǔ dāng mén      Tiger crouches at the front door

9. 老叟携琴             lǎo sǒu xié qín          Old man carries his zither

10. 犀牛望月           xī niú wàng yuè       Rhinoceros gazes at moon

11. 进步遮膝           jìn bù zhē xī              step forward block knee

12. 反身劈剑           fǎn shēn pī jiàn        turn body, chop sword

13. 进步撩膝            jìn bù liáo xī               step up stir the knees

14. 当门剑                dāng mén jiàn                      sword at the front door

15. 老叟携琴            lǎo sǒu xié qín          Old man carries his zither

16.  进步遮膝           jìn bù zhē xī              step forward block knee

17. 魁星提斗            kuí xīng tí dòu           Kuí Xīng raises his ladle

18. 指挡剑                zhǐ dǎng jiàn             point and block with the sword

19. 扬鞭伏虎            yáng biān fú hǔ       raise the whip subside the tiger

20. 劈山夺宝            pǐ shān duó bǎo       split the mountain, seize the treasure

21. 白蛇吐信            bái shé tǔ xìn                        white snake spits the truth

22. 回身点剑            huí shēn diǎn jiàn   turn body, point with sword

23. 沛公斩蛇            pèi gōng zhǎn shé             Pei Gong chops snake

24. 采风舒羽            pluck the wind and unfold the feathers

25.  魁星提斗           kuí xīng tí dòu           Kuí Xīng raises his dou

26. 樵夫问柴            qiáofū wèn chái       woodman asks for firewood

27. 猿猴舒臂            yuán shū bì               the ape stretches its arms

28. 反身斜飞式        fǎn shēn xié fēi shì  turn around diagonal flying

29. 退步僚阴三剑    tuìbù liáo yīn sān jiàn step back Liao Yin makes 3 strikes

30. 当门剑                dāng mén jiàn          sword at the front door

31。梢公遥橹          shāo gōng yáo lǔ     boatsman distant oar

32。 顺水推舟         shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu  push the boat along with the current

33. 白蛇吐信            bái shé tǔ xìn           white snake spits truth

34。眉中点赤          méi zhōng diǎn chì  red dot between the eyebrows

35。玉女投针          yù nǚ tóu zhēn         fair lady throws / drops a needle

36. 乌龙反身            wū lóng fǎn shēn    black dragon turns its body

37. 白蛇吐信            bái shé tǔ xìn           white snake spits the truth

38. 眉中点赤           méi zhōng diǎn chì  red dot between the eyebrows

39. 玉女投针          yù nǚ tóu zhēn         fair lady throws / drops a needle

40.  当门剑             dāng mén jiàn          sword at the front door

41. 海底擒鳌           hǎi dǐ qín áo            capture a turtle at the bottom of the sea

42. 魁星提斗      kuí xīng tí dòu           Kuí Xīng raises his ladle

43. 斜身指挡剑          xié shēn zhǐ dǎng jiàn        oblique body, point and block with the sword

44. 连 环剑     lián huán jiàn                       link and ring sword

45.  当门剑     dāng mén jiàn          sword at the front door

46. 海底擒鳌  hǎidì qín áo   capture a legendary turtle on the seabed

47.   魁星提斗    kuí xīng tí dòu           Kuí Xīng raises his ladle

48. 回马鞭      huí mǎ biān               turn and whip the horse

49. 跳步栽剑              tiào bù zāi jiàn          Jump step, insert the sword

50. 天王托塔          tiān wáng tuō tǎ    Tiān Wáng holds pagoda

51 左右提鞭   zuǒyòu tí biān raise the whip in both hands

52.  当门剑     dāng mén jiàn          sword at the front door

53 左右提鞭   zuǒyòu tí biān raise the whip in both hands

54. 黄龙揽尾   Huáng lóng  lǎn wěi          Yellow dragon grasps tail

55. 盘头单鞭 pán tóu dān biān Turn around, single whip

56. 沛公斩蛇      pèi gōng zhǎn shé             Pei Gong chops snake

57. 拨云见日              bōyúnjiànrì  dispel the clouds and see the sun – restore justice.

58。风飘落叶            fēng piāo luòyè        leaves dropping in the wind

59.  魁星提斗     kuí xīng tí dòu           Kuí Xīng raises his ladle

60. 仙人指路 xiānrén zhǐ lù           The immortal points the way

61. 左右横扫千军      zuǒyòu héngsǎo qiān jūn  sweep away a thousand armies to the left and right.

62. 迎风掸尘              yíngfēng dǎn chén brush dirt into the wind

63. 单鞭锁喉              dān biān suǒ hóu    Single whip, lock the throat

64. 白猿归洞  bái yuán guī dòng   white ape returns to its cave

65. 灵猫捕鼠 líng māo bǔ shǔ       clever cat catches the mouse

66。蜻蜓点水 qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ    dragonfly skims the water

67。肘低剑    zhǒu dī jiàn   sword under elbow

68。云磨(摩)散(三)舞剑       yún mó sàn wú jiàn dancing sword rubs and disperses the clouds

69. 盘根指雁         pán gēn zhǐ yàn    twisted root, point to the wild goose.

70. 妙手 灾星 miào shǒu zāi xīng  pick up stars with unerring hand

71. 左右怀zhong抱月          zuǒyòu huái zhong bào yuè         hold the moon in your arms

72。凤凰旋涡            fènghuáng xuánwō            phoenix whirlpool

73.       悬崖勒马        xuányálèmǎ  rein in at the brink of the precipice

74。落花打扫            luò huā dǎsǎo          sweep the fallen blossom

75.       女神荷锄        nǚshén hè chú        Goddess carries a hoe on her shoulder

76.       反步    fǎn bù            ????? die zhu ????            turn around stir the sword

77. 卧鱼剑   wò yú jiàn      crouch to fish with sword

78. 反身撩膝              fǎn shēn liáo xī        turn body stir the knees

79. 当门剑      dāng mén jiàn          sword at the front door

80. 分手小磨云          fēnshǒu xiǎo mó yún          little cloud hands

81.  云罩巫山        yún zhào wū shān mount Wu covered in cloud

82。拨草寻蛇            bō cǎo xún shé        stir the grass, find the snake

83. 乌龙搅尾  wū lóng jiǎo wěi       black dragon swings its tail

84. 金鸡点头  jīnjī diǎntóu   the golden cockerel (pheasant) nods its head

85. 转身擒虍              zhuǎnshēn qín hū  turn around, catch the tiger

86. 沛公斩蛇      pèi gōng zhǎn shé             Pei Gong chops snake

87。迎风掸尘                        yíngfēng dǎn chén brush dirt into the wind

88. 鸽子穿林  gēzǐ chuān lín          pigeon flys through the wood

89. ??liguang?? 射石          liguang shè shí        Li Guang shoots a stone

90. 回马鞭      turn and whip the horse

91.  钩挂连环     gōu guà lián huán              hook and hang chain of rings

92.  收势     shōu shì          closing form

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