shǒu huī pí pá 手挥琵琶 hands strum the lute
19. PLAY THE LUTE (part 1)
左腿變成弓步。zuǒ tuǐ biàn chéng gōng bù Your left leg makes a bow stance,
左手變成陽掌, zuǒ shǒu biàn chéng yáng zhǎng while your left hand becomes an active [outward] palm
向前推出,xiàng qián tuī chū pushing forward,
但手背與前臂略成直線。dàn shǒu bèi yǔ qián bèi luè chéng zhí xiàn but with the back of the hand and the forearm making an almost vertical {straight} line,
右手變成陰掌,yòu shǒu biàn chéng yīn zhǎng and your right hand becomes a passive [inward] palm,
指尖貼於左腕部。zhǐ jiān tiē yú zuǒ wàn bù fingertips nearing{close to} your left wrist.
眼看左手背。yǎn kàn zuǒ shǒu bèi Your eyes are looking toward the back of your left hand
如圖一九。rú tú yī jiǔ. See photo 19:

二〇 手揮琵琶 shǒu huī pí pá(二)
20. PLAY THE LUTE (part 2)
右脚前進成平行步。yòu jiǎo qián jìn chéng píng xíng bù Your right foot steps forward to make a parallel stance,
兩腿微曲。liǎng tuǐ wēi qū both legs slightly bent,
右手下降,yòu shǒu xià jiàng while your right hand lowers,
肘尖貼近右脅。zhǒu jiān tiē jìn yòu xié the elbow nearing your right ribs, {close to your body}
掌心如托物狀。zhǎng xīn rú tuō wù zhuàng the palm appearing to hold something up.
左手與視線均不動。zuǒ shǒu yǔ shì xiàn jūn bù dòng Your left hand and eyes have not moved. {your gaze doesn’t change from the left hand}
如圖二〇。rú tú èr ling See photo 20: